Monday, December 04, 2006

Layers of Clothing

This is the poem I shared in my presentation tonight, and will share with Come Thirsty in context when I give share my personal story with you once we conclude The Drama of Scripture.

I wear my pride like layers of clothing—
Layers that cover my disgrace.

I need You to peel away my pride layer by layer
Until I am uncovered and bare before the One who made me.
You know me intimately
And yet I am afraid to expose myself.
I am afraid to be seen as flawed and imperfect,
So I try to hide.

I hide under all these layers of clothing.
And I need You to peel away my pride layer by layer
Until I am uncovered and bare before the One who made me.
I need to be cleansed in Your showers of grace;
Renewed in Your seas of mercy.
But I cannot feel the impact of the soft, tender drops of water
Until I am uncovered.
I must stand completely exposed—
Exposed and vulnerable before You.

I need You to peel away my pride layer by layer
Until I am uncovered and bare before the One who made me.
Only then can You begin the painful process of making me new.
I shrink back with embarrassment
Because You see me for who I am.
If I want to impress anyone, Lord,
I want to impress You.
Yet all I have to offer comes from Your hand;
I cannot give You anything that You don’t already possess.

You have peeled away my pride layer by layer
And I am uncovered and bare before the One who made me.
A tear falls from my cheek as I stand bare and exposed
With nothing but a weak, frail, faithless heart to give You.
If I had anything of lasting value that could compare to Your worth,
It would be Yours.
But all I have to give is me,
And so I offer me freely.

You have peeled away my pride layer by layer
And I am uncovered and bare before the One who made me.
I give You all of my inadequacies and weaknesses,
All my frailty and imperfection.
I acknowledge that only You are good and wise,
Strong and pure.

So here I stand uncovered and bare before the One who made me.
My pride is peeled away like layers of clothing
And my shameful self is exposed.
Now I am ready.
Ready for You to take my life and use it for Your glory.
Transform me into something beautiful.
Let this sinful, unintelligent, impure creature glorify You.
For I am Yours, Father.
I am Yours.