Saturday, April 19, 2008

Afternoon Insights

Insight 1: Praying through Psalm 8 this afternoon, I felt the burden of verse 6. The Lord has given man "dominion over the works of your hands." I believe this extends much further and digs far deeper than taking care of the earth, though that is certainly a part of our mandate. Our very lives and the way in which we interact with the world around us--the environment in which God has placed us--must continually proclaim, "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" (Ps. 8:9). Man's dominion does not point to the power of humanity; it points to the greatness of God! Any other expression of dominion is an idolatrous attempt to write man's name over that which belongs to God.

Insight 2: Every action that I perform must complete the sentence, "Because I believe Christ is supremely more beautiful and infinitely more worthy than anything this world has to offer, I..." This expression is not merely theological; it is practical. It must be the driving conviction behind all that I set out to do.

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