Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My Soul Sings of its Salvation and Sanctification

Slowly sinking, sliding, spinning
Downward into deep despair,
The sin-saturated soul screams
Constricts, convulses, chokes.
Deteriorating, diminishing unto death,
It lies limp and lifeless,
Drowned in downright darkness.
Ceasing its struggle in the cesspool of sin,
Succumbed its spirit to shapeless structure.
Nature that nourishes nothing,
Death that dies undistinguished,
Sings this sad story of sordid sin.

Sovereign sees slave’s sinful state
And cutting across the constrictive curtain,
Reaches, receives, raises,
Lifts the limp and listless life
Towards triumphant Truth
Revealed! Releasing and relinquishing
Control, the creature is recreated,
Only to open the ominous
Secret: Sanctification severs ties to self!
And dying the death of all deaths,
Discovers this definitive death,
Leads to everlasting Life and Love!


Unknown said...

So was this written from a "valley" experience/extended time or just a poetic way to state what Scripture declares, "We are new creations in Christ"?

Jennifer said...

This was written from a valley experience, when I felt like God was dangling the proverbial carrot in front of me to follow, when He never intended for me to have it. It was a time when I doubted His character, wondering if God could possibly be cruel.

That is my "story of sordid sin." I realized how incredibly wrong I was and how every impulse within me runs to my own depravity. It is only when God lifts me out of my selfishness that I am able to see the brilliance of His glory and be reminded of the truth that it is not about me.

Even as I was praying this morning, God gave me the thought that He does not exist for me; I exist for Him. Unless I can grasp that and rest in it and passionately pursue it, I will find myself in the same place that I was only a few weeks ago. And that is the epitome of bondage and pain, not freedom and joy.